Ministry Coordination, Small Groups
How Does Your Church Promote Small Groups, Etc?

A friend of mine recently told me a crazy story: She has been attending a church for over two years and only recently learned the church has a small group ministry. For two years, she had been hoping for such a ministry and had no idea it existed.
Her story, though likely a bit unusual, made me wonder: How does your church promote things like small groups? Do you share from the pulpit, or in the bulletin, or with special launch dates? Do personal conversations help? What have you found to be effective?
Church Communications, Ministry Coordination
Church Communications, Ministry Coordination
Ministry Coordination
Ministry Coordination, Pastors
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Hi Staci,
At our church, our worship experience opens every single Sunday with a welcome that always includes
"while we love gathering on Sunday mornings to sing, pray and hear from Scripture, this is not all we are. As a church, We're actually a collection of smaller gatherings, called House Gatherings, that meet together during the week. A house gathering is a group of people who commit to learning to live and love like Jesus together. If you're interested in finding out more about these talk to me, or Pastor Corey, or fill out one of the cards on your table."
I think we do it so often that people who've never spoken those words - could probably recite them verbatim!
check out what it sounds like live at the 3:30 mark of the video...
Hope it helps
We typically promote small groups and Bible studies in our bulletin and on our Facebook page. Most of the group leaders have their own ways of communicating with those in the group and some will actually go out/call/email those they believe would be interested or who fit the demographic for that group.
Our church also recently started sending out weekly email blasts and I've been using that to highlight certain announcements.
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